
Sort IP Addresses with GNU sort

How to sort IP addresses using the GNU sort utility.

The short answer. Here’s the invocation that works. It’s explained in the long answer that follows.
sort -n -t . -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4

The long answer. More than once I’ve been confronted with a list of IP addresses that I’ve wanted to sort into numeric order. Trouble is, the dotted-quad notation isn’t sort-friendly. Consider the following raw list of addresses.
$ cat addresses.txt

Without options, sort will rely on alphabetic order, which certainly won’t do what you want:
$ sort addresses.txt
There are so many mistakes in this ordering I’m not even going to try to list them all.
The situation is only marginally improved when using the --numeric-sort (-n) option.
$ sort -n addresses.txt

The first set of numbers in each dotted-quad sort correctly—5 preceeds 19, and 129 is at the tail end—but the internal numbering still gets improper treatment. is listed prior to because 220 is alphabetically prior to 24. Likewise the two19.20.x.x addresses are mixed up because 203 is alphabetically prior to 21.
The solution is to tell sort to order the list numerically, considering each address as a set of four numeric fields, each separated by a dot.
$ sort -n -t . -k 1,1 -k 2,2 -k 3,3 -k 4,4 addresses.txt

In English, you’re saying, Yo, sort! I’ve got here a list of numbers (-n), but each item in the list consists of some subnumbers, fields set apart from the others by a dot (-t .). Sort first by the first field, and only the first field (-k 1,1), then by the second and only the second (-k 2,2), and so on (-k 3,3 -k 4,4).


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Remove Squid footer completely

Easy way

I’m using debian server… I hope this tips will work for all linux distro
Edit your ERR_ACCESS_DENIED file, where?? mine is in /usr/share/squid/error/English/
Add this line to the last line of ERR_ACCESS_DENIED file:
<!– Generated %T by %h (%s) –>
Save the file… reload squid configuration file /etc/init.d/squid reload
You’re done

Hard way

You can remove footer from squid error pages. Removing the version number from the footer is very easy.

In squid.conf enable
But what if you want to remove the whole message.
Generated Thu, 08 Jun 2000 06:58:30 GMT by proxy1.proxy.com (Squid/2.3.STABLE1)There is no configuration available to remove it but you can always edit the source file for that. Don't worry its very easy. Easy because its really easy.

Just follow the following steps:
  1. Go to squid source. /usr/src/squid/src
  2. Backup the existing file errorpage.c cp ./errorpage.c ./errorpage.c.bkp
  3. Remove errorpage.o rm errorpage.o
  4. Edit the file errorpage.c vim errorpage.c
    "\n<\BR clear=\"all\">\n"
    "<\HR noshade size=\"1px\">\n"
    "Generated %T by %h (%s)\n"
  5. Remove the line "Generated %T by %h (%s)\n"
  6. Save and exit :wq
  7. Reconfigure squid with old options ./configure .........
  8. Make clean make clean
  9. Make make
  10. Make all make all
  11. Make install make install
  12. Stop squid /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -k shutdown
  13. Start squid /usr/local/squid/sbin


Proxy squid-2.7.STABLE9 + patch cache video YouTube

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How to Remove Your GMail account on Android Market without doing Factory reset

How to Remove Your GMail account on Android Market without doing Factory reset

  1. Download Root Explorer from Android Market
  2. Explore to /data/system/ and find this file : accounts.db
  3. Delete that file (accounts.db)
  4. Walla…you can register another account


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  1. http://blapkmarket.com/en
  2. http://www.blackdroid.net/forum/